In no area of life does the phrase "celebs: they're just like us" ring true like it does in parenting. Yes, the rich and famous are indeed rich and famous — and they get to reap all the multi-nanny-having, organic-baby-food-toting benefits of that privilege. But when it comes down to it, if you are a parent of a toddler, you will be peed upon. It's just going to happen. And no amount of money — or number of Oscars — will protect you from this fate. Nor, as Hayden Panettiere has learned, will eleventy Teen Choice Awards nominations and a standout role on a hit TV series.
The Nashville star started out yesterday by posting first an adorable puppy selfie and then a remarkably put-together airplane selfie (celebs: immune to the in-flight germ tunnel of dehydration and discomfort?). But it wasn't long before Panettiere followed up with an Instagram post, presumably from the same airplane, announcing that her 2-year-old daughter Kaya had an accident in the cramped quarters of the airplane bathroom.
"Aaaand then ur daughter pees on the floor of the airplane bathroom," Panettiere wrote, along with the see-no-evil monkey emoji.
Girl, I've been there. Except my kid had the accident on that weird mini-bus you sometimes have to take from the gate to the airplane. If you ever need tips on how to stuff a squirming child's diaper with nine baby wipes in order to seal all possible exits until you get onto the plane, just give me a call, Hayden!
At least wise Kaya was kind enough to take some responsibility for her mess and help with the mop-up process. "Look at that baby girl helping momma clean," Panettiere added. (Note that she is wearing a different top than in her initial airplane selfie, probably because pee.)
Ever since she became a parent, Panettiere has done an admirable job of showing the less-than-stellar sides of the whole Mom gig — and she's spoken out about her struggles with postpartum depression.
“It takes you a while, and you feel off, you don’t feel like yourself,” she said on Good Morning America. “I think I’m all the stronger for it. And I think I’m a better mom because of it because you never take that connection for granted.”
It looks like Kaya doesn't take the connection for granted, either. I don't know many toddlers who would offer to help with pee cleanup.
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