It's retrograde season, stargazers — a chance to rewind, review, revamp, and revise. These cosmic backspins have gotten a bad rap in recent years and we can understand why. In this progress-driven society, who really wants to turn back to reflect? But in truth, retrogrades — which happen when a planet passes the Earth in its orbit and appears to be moving backwards from our vantage point — can be a blessing in disguise. A time out, especially as spring and summer blossom, can be a major relief.
Joining the retrograde brigade this week are structure-junkie Saturn on Wednesday and Mercury on Sunday. Saturn turns retrograde annually for nearly five months. This one lasts until August 25 and takes place — for the third and final year — in Sagittarius, the sign of global and cross-cultural relations, travel, and higher education. Saturn's weighty impact has certainly brought those issues into the headlines. Police brutality against African Americans and the reprehensible attempt at a Muslim ban are just a couple examples. But Saturn's impact is to bring strength and lasting structures. We've also seen the emergence of the Black Lives Matter movement and civic engagement to fight for equality at historical peaks. Saturn's backspin gives us a chance to go deeper with our efforts to build bridges instead of a "big, beautiful wall." Everything really is about race right now, and this engaging dialogue explains why.
Expressive Mercury turns retrograde three or four times each year and this one lasts from Sunday, April 9 until May 3. The first leg of the journey will take place in Taurus before the messenger planet scoots back into Aries on April 20. Bring on the fact checkers, number crunchers, and project managers! Data-driven Mercury retrograde in empirical Taurus demands solid statistics to back up, well, everything. Simplify plans that seem too "pie in the sky" or unwieldy. It's okay to start small and grow from there!

March 21 to April 19
Roam if you want to, Aries. You’re feeling restless this week, but you may not end up venturing farther than your living room or backyard. Restrictive Saturn is going retrograde in Sagittarius and your ninth house of travel until August 25. Slow that insanely fast speed of yours — now. You’ll be taking a much-needed breather, Ram. If you are itching to get away, don’t leave your plans to the last minute (like your shoot-from-the-hip sign has been known to do). Your dream vacay is going to need a little planning on your end and an actual itinerary. Work-wise, dial back the public promotions and polish up your efforts behind the scenes. You might even take a spring-summer course to sharpen your skills. Saturn pushes us to have more structure in our lives, which will be doubly necessary for the next four-plus months. Mono-task instead of multitask and you'll be far more productive.
Brace yourself! Mercury turns retrograde on Sunday, shifting back through Taurus and your second house of work and finances until April 20, before heading to Aries until May 3. Monitor every dollar or you could wind up with a hefty credit card bill. Dial back that green juice budget for these healthy and affordable eating hacks. At work, small misunderstandings could pop up, despite your best efforts to be diplomatic. If so, just apologize instead of pulling a United Airlines Leggingsgate justification. Put all important communications in writing — and double (and triple) check the deets before you hit send. An ounce of CYA (cover your ass) prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
April 20 to May 20
Close the partition, Taurus, and practice a few Beyoncé moves in the mirror. Saturn turns retrograde in your eighth house of intimacy, sexuality, and secrets until August 25. You could dive much deeper into an attraction now — but be careful, Bull, because it could also become an obsession. In between those private romps, you'll crave more solo time. Being a loner doesn't mean being lonely; in fact, it can help you connect with yourself on a deeper level. Give yourself the space you need or you could wind up snapping at (or resenting) your S.O. A burning hot attraction could cool down, but you may find yourself bonding in more spiritual and emotional ways for the next four months — ah, the glue that keeps couples together. Are you having mixed feelings about a romantic interest? Don't ignore your intuition, Bull. There may be a legit red flag here. Do the detective work. If nothing else, you'll have the clarity to move ahead with confidence.
The second retrograde of the week starts Sunday, as communication planet Mercury flips into reverse until May 3. The backspin starts in your sign and then rewinds into Aries and on April 20. Say what, Taurus? You're sure you explained yourself clearly, but the results wind up feeling like a befuddling game of telephone. Don't rely on verbal communiques. Spell out instructions in emails and CC yourself! Even your best-laid plans could go awry — frustrating for your efficiency-loving sign. Go slow, keep things simple, and try to be flexible (as much as any Taurus can) about last minute changes. Focus on your personal projects and use this retro period to revamp, revise, and polish work to perfection. Then, schedule your grand debut after May 3.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
May 21 to June 20
Time to decide, Gemini: You in or out? Your relationships will go through a testing period as taskmaster Saturn turns retrograde in your partnerships until August 25. Deep breaths, Gem: This doesn’t mean the end of a dynamic duo. But you’re going to have to work to keep the connection strong now. How is your communication? Are you having meaningful conversations with your S.O. or bestie? (If you’re tongue tied, try writing an old-fashioned letter!) If you live together, have you divvied up chores equally — and have you ever made an agreement about splitting the bill? Sometimes, relationships can get a little too serious when Saturn does a backspin. So be sure to maintain your joie de vivre and sense of humor! Fun and laughter are truly the glue. An old partnership could come back to the forefront. Saturn's backspin makes it all the more important to formalize everything. This may feel a bit heavy-handed, but spelling out the terms can keep the peace and harmony flowing.
On Sunday, your celestial ruler Mercury turns retrograde until May 3. This retreat kicks off in Taurus and your 12th house of rest and closure before heading into Aries, your teamwork zone, on April 20. Stop, drop, and take a power nap, Gemini. Don’t try to force anything right now because you'll just wind up spinning your wheels. Wise souls from your past, like mentors and teachers, pop up to lend a helping hand. And the keyword for the next three weeks is detox. From your diet to your friend list, say sayonara to anything (and anyone) that doesn't nourish you.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
June 21 to July 22
Rise from the couch, Cancer, and swap your loungewear for yogawear. Taskmaster Saturn turns retrograde in your wellness zone until August 25, blowing the whistle on unhealthy habits. Get serious about your self-care — and in a more regimented way. Find balance with kale salads (and these healthier snacks) then wash it all down with refreshing glasses of H2O. (Water is life — truly.) With Saturn in reverse, don't overdo it at the gym. Find your rhythm with classes that are fun and challenging without wiping you out. You want your routines to be sustainable! And you'll build up strength over time. Saturn in retro can also signal a return to an old job, or the need to burn a little more midnight oil to earn your chops. More reason to take excellent care of yourself, Cancer!
On Sunday, social Mercury dives into retrograde until May 3, starting its backspin in Taurus and your group activities zone, then retreating into Aries and your career house on April 20. Tension could swirl among your squad and you could even rethink a few "friendships." Take a hard look at your alliances — without the rose-colored aviators. Have you been glorifying a new pal at the expense of your tried and true? It’s time to get back to those who have been there for you through thick and thin. Streamline your crew and ditch anyone who is causing unnecessary drama. After April 20, you could reconnect with an old colleague — who may even extend a surprising offer. Do the due diligence, no matter how fabulous it sounds. Accepting anything, or signing contracts during a Mercury retrograde, can lead to complications if you fail to review the fine print.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
July 23 to August 22
Plead the fifth, Leo. On Wednesday, stern Saturn turns retrograde in your house of fame, flamboyance, and fiery romance until August 25. Admit it: You love applause, praise, and the adoration of your fans — you are a Leo, after all. But while Saturn is backspinning, you will need to fly a little lower under the radar. Don’t tweet every mood, move, and thought you have. Oversharing could make you seem unprofessional now. You may even want to keep projects you’re working on hush hush. Don't worry! You’ll live without the constant likes and regrams, we promise. Saturn is all about structure — and its retreat in your house of romance could find you needing a more solid base for your love life. Have you been expecting relationships to just happen? For the next four months, it won't work like that, Leo. Strengthen your communication and negotiation skill. Compromise will keep romance blooming during this trying cycle.
On Sunday, Mercury starts its own retrograde (until May 3), falling back through Taurus and your career zone, then slipping into Aries and your travel sector on April 20. Pause with those expansion plans and don't race ahead on huge projects until your boss or client signs off. The renegade route could hurt your credibility or burn hours of your precious time, only to find you stuck handling a do-over. If you’re the Head Lion In Charge, try to be gentler with your pride. A softer touch will leave you with your "beloved leader" status intact. You could butt heads with a guy in your life now, too. Don't sweep the conflict under the rug, but choose the right time to discuss. (Read: Not five minutes before he has to go into a huge and important meeting.)
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
August 23 to September 22
Domestic bliss interrupted? This week, taskmaster Saturn turns retrograde in your zone of home and family until August 25. The cozy times at Chez Virgo could suddenly get tense, signaling a need to call a house meeting. Saturn is the planet of structure, so you probably need to agree upon clearer guidelines with your sister who borrows your clothes (unasked) before you've even worn them twice or your "happy drunk" roomie who loves to bump her music at 2 a.m., just as you drifted off to sleep. A relative may need some extra TLC, so make room in your over-packed schedule. While it's in your nature to go above and beyond when someone needs help, regulate your generosity or you could wind up with caretaker burnout. Set limits on what you’re capable and willing to do and amp up your self-care. If you’re eyeing a move, this current celestial setup could stall the process. No need to get upset. It could be that your so-called dream house is actually a money pit. (Glad you dodged that bullet!) There's always another abode on the market, Virgo, so just keep looking! If you need to do renovations, pick your contractors with care.
On Sunday, the communication planet Mercury (your ruler) also goes retrograde until May 3. Hold that thought, Virgo! The backspin begins in Taurus and your ultra-candid ninth house, before clipping into your secretive eighth house on April 20. Rehearse those lines before delivering them and get a second pair of eyes before you post any controversial tweets. The likelihood of misunderstandings is basically tripled now — even one of your satiric or sarcastic jokes could be taken literally. Careful about dishing out unsolicited advice too. Unless people ask, keep judgments to yourself. Do get on the ball with researching your summer vacation — maybe to one of these ten totally affordable destinations? Hold off on booking until after May 3, but make one of your famous spreadsheets in the meantime.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
September 23 to October 22
All aboard the oversharer's express? You may be one of the more diplomatic signs, but your true feelings are never far from the surface. Starting this week, you’re going to have to be a bit more mindful about what comes out of your mouth — or what you send via phone. Super strict Saturn starts its retrograde in your communication sector until August 25. Choose your words carefully; they have the power to hurt or heal. This backspin could also affect any writing projects you have in the pipeline. If you hit a snag with friends or a mission gets stalled, consider it a blessing in disguise. Saturn is the planet of stability and mastery. Perhaps something about the situation was actually toxic or maybe you need to learn something new before advancing to the next stage of the game. Review, revise, and redo until things are ready. Saturn’s backwards twirl could also change the pace of a joint effort or cause tension in a friendship. You may be tempted to bolt but don't — at least not until you've tried to find a win-win. Conflict is part of relationships, and this dust-up could serve to strengthen your bond.
The retro-action doesn’t stop with Saturn. On Sunday, chatty Mercury shifts into reverse, which could scramble some signals in your love life. Until April 20, the backspin goes down in your erotic eighth house, then slips back into your relationship zone until May 3. Emotional entanglements could get complicated — the sexual ones even more so. Don't let spring fever blind you to a game-player's true M.O. Exes and ohs! You could hear from an old flame — even "the one that got away." Proceed with caution because you won't know the real deal until early May. Have you been holding back your true feelings in a relationship? No more playing coy — or seething with secret frustration. It's time for real talk — but with Mercury retrograde, timing is everything! Set the right mood and make sure to broach the touchy topic in private.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
October 23 to November 21
Mission: Upcycle begins this week. Frugal Saturn turns retrograde in your pragmatic second house until August 25 and puts you on a budget. Relax, Scorpio: Belt-tightening brings out your natural creativity, o' resourceful one. After all, necessity is the mother of invention. Simplify your lifestyle and cut down on waste. Shop your closet instead of buying everything new and set up clothing swaps with fashion-forward friends. And if you don't feel like going full-on Marie Kondo, try these savvy storage solutions so you can see and appreciate what you already have. Try out new side hustles if you're in need of cash, but be prepared to work your stinger off to get them just right. Saturn's backspin will force you to be a bit more adult when it comes to your cashflow. Have you set up a 401-K? Find out if your job offers them or start your own diversified investment portfolio of mutual funds and and stocks. Set up automatic transfers from paycheck to savings and retirement accounts. If the money’s out of sight, you won't blow it on retail therapy.
On Sunday, Mercury turns retrograde (until May 3), rewinding through Taurus and your relationship sector until April 20, then moving back through your work and wellness zone. An old flame could return to stoke the embers, but if you got burned in the past, be careful about re-opening that chapter. If you've been giving your S.O. the short end of the stick, reprioritize. This can be a chance to strengthen your connection with more quality time. Have you left loose ends hanging in love? Tie them up now so you can move on with a clean slate in early May. While you’re rebooting your love life, take care of your numero uno. Book massages or acupuncture. Eat your veggies and protein. Then, when the second part of Mercury’s retro kicks in, you'll have the energy to hone your fitness regimen.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
November 22 to December 21
The finish line is in sight, Sagittarius! Just one more round of cosmic boot camp and you’re done! Taskmaster Saturn — who is in his final leg of his three-year journey through your sign — turns retrograde until August 25, forcing you to take a step back and review all the structures in your life. Are your daily routines really supporting you? Are they making you happy, healthy, and wealthy? If not, this is your wakeup call. Saturn will leave your sign soon (on December 19), not to return for nearly thirty years. (Whoo-hoo!) The last three years may have been taxing, but Saturn’s visit is here to help you set up solid structures and foundations for your life. For the next few months be more discerning about how you allocate time and energy. Dedicate them to building your dream, even if that means socializing a little less than you'd prefer. This final push can launch you into an amazing — and stable — new league!
Mindful Mercury also turns retrograde this week, starting its backspin in Taurus and your health and fitness house, then slipping back into Aries and your fame and romance zone. Stop the presses and take the next couple weeks to really get yourself organized. Those taxes aren't going to do themselves — and neither is the spring cleaning. Incorporate more fitness into your days but be careful not to overdo it. Long walks can be as effective as that grueling cycling class. Spend time working on your branding and messaging. What are you trying to get across? What do you want to be known for? Mercury's backspin allows you to polish and revise your public image, ensuring more eyes will be on you in May. Don't do anything drastic like cutting your hair or getting a tattoo right now! Tweak what you already have instead of starting from scratch.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
December 22 to January 19
Find your little patch of peace, Capricorn. From Wednesday until August 25, your ruling planet Saturn goes retrograde in your reflective 12th house. You'll long for more solitude and dreamtime. If you don't have enough privacy at home, you might even rent a small creative space (even as a co-share). This is also the prime time to detox, whether from an addictive habit or negative thinking that prevents you from getting ahead. If fears are holding you back, you may simply need to surround yourself with more supportive people. You're always the rock for everyone else, Capricorn. Now, you'll need to lean on other people, too. Find a mentor and maybe a great therapist who can guide you on this confidence-boosting mission.
On Sunday, the Zodiac’s great communicator, Mercury, turns retrograde until May 3, retreating through Taurus and your fifth house of love and self-expression until April 20; then sliding back into Aries and your domestic zone. Fixating on the future is a Capricorn thing, but now it's time to review the past. Is there some work you can revisit, revise, or repurpose? Instead of starting fresh, give it a second life. A former love interest could pop back into your life, while an existing romance could hit a snag. Are there things you’ve been glossing over in order to avoid a confrontation? Issues need to be dealt with, and Mercury’s retro is the prime time to do so. If you can't seem to discuss things calmly on your own, a few sessions with a couple's therapist can be pure magic. But if it's time to call it quits, try this breakup approach that leaves "conscious uncoupling" in the dust.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
January 20 to February 18
All for one and one for all? Maybe not, Aquarius. Aligning on squad goals won't be easy between now and August 25, as tough teacher Saturn turns retrograde in your teamwork zone. Before you bolt on your BFFs, consider that this is an opportunity for greater democracy. Maybe you thought you were being egalitarian but you were actually cajoling your crew into doing things your way. Go on a "listening tour" and find out if people's needs and desires have been left unmet. Saturn likes structure, so it may be that you need to reinforce your alliances. If you’re working on a group mission, clarify assignments and pick someone to be the project manager (tip: delegate this role). It may help to create a shared mission statement so the group has a common goal moving forward. Order pizza, open up some vino, and let the brainstorming flow!
There could be a few meltdowns under your roof starting Sunday, as communicator Mercury turns retrograde until May 3. The backspin begins in Taurus and in your domestic fourth house, before shifting into Aries and your communication zone on April 20. If you were hoping for some blissful interactions with family or roommates, brace yourself. Tension could build, forcing you to deal with issues you've all swept under the rug. Break that passive aggressive cycle and have an honest conversation. Maybe you need to revamp the house rules or rearrange the room configuration so you have more privacy. If you’re having a interior decorating meltdown, press pause on the IKEA runs and start with Pinterest boards. Between now and May 3, your tastes can flip from Parisian vintage to Danish modern in the blink of an eye.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
February 19 to March 20
Eyes on the prize? Sure, Pisces, but for the next four months, your goals may feel a bit like a moving target. Ultra ambitious Saturn turns retrograde in your career zone until August 25, hitting the brakes on your missions so you can streamline and clarify. This slowdown, while frustrating, will stabilize and fortify your game plan. Saturn is the planet of structure and mastery, after all. Rule #1: No shortcuts. Build your dream with quality and integrity. Be willing to dance The Retrograde Shuffle: Two steps forward, one step back. Even at this pace, you’ll still make forward progress! A former colleague or work associate could pop up, adding new energy to your current mission. Build your contact database by socializing with the influencers. Don't try to "get" anything from them, just focus on connecting through common ground — and even being supportive of their grand plans. What goes around comes around.
On Sunday, geeky Mercury goes retrograde until May 3, beginning its rewind in your data-driven third house, then falling back into your money zone from April 20th on. Spend the early part of this week password-protecting private files and maybe deleting some of those risqué photos from your phone. Back up your documents, double-check who you’re emailing, and watch the reply all button. You should also double check any security settings on your phone or computer. (Is it time for a VPN?) Control where your data trail leads and what it says about you. If you start moderating what you spend now, you’ll have an easier time later this month. Budgets are your friend, Pisces! An old friend could float a potentially profitable opportunity your way. Find out what this really entails before jumping on board.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.Like what you see? How about some more R29 goodness, right here?
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