An Oklahoma high school is facing backlash from parents regarding a new dress code survey. KSWO, an ABC affiliate, reports that Duncan High School sent out a survey asking parents for input on a new dress code. Students and faculty both contributed to the new rules after noting that the current code could use an update.
Everything seemed fine until the new ideas were presented to parents. When asking what's "appropriate" for school, the outfits were only photographed on girls. Yahoo reports that the photos showed girls wearing "an off-the-shoulder top, ripped jeans, a tank top, and athletic shorts." No boys were photographed for any of the new ideas.
According to KSWO News, parents began commenting on the school's Facebook page. One wrote, "The thing that disturbs me most is every picture is of a young woman." Another added, "Girls shouldn’t be ashamed for having bodies."
The school's principal, Kelly Trinidad, defended the photos, saying that girls break dress code more often. "It's usually related to the fashionable distressing or a sleeveless top or an off-the-shoulder top or something like that," Trinidad told KSWO. "The biggest dress code violation a boy might have might be a T-shirt with inappropriate language on it. Maybe if their pants are sagging."
The survey also included questions about hair dye, tattoos, piercing, and more, but those things were not photographed. The survey is still open and parents have until March 9 to add any ideas and give their input on the new rules and regulations. Once those are collected, the whole package will be submitted to the school board. Trinidad did not mention any plans to amend the rules with photos of male students.
This is just the latest news from the world of weird dress code regulations. A Catholic school in Illinois released a 21-page dress code for its prom. Hijab have also caused some controversy in regards to school dress codes. And, of course, there are schools that still enforce totally sexist codes.
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